Abstract deadline extended to 1st Apirl 2019 for the IAMUC at AGA20
International Association of Maritime Universities
The 20th Commemorative Annual General Assembly

Location: Tokyo, Japan
Date: 1st November 2019
Abstract deadline:Β 1st April 2019
Website:Β http://aga20.iamu-edu.org/

The Annual General Assembly (AGA) is an international conference of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU).
As a part of the AGA, International Association of Maritime Universities Conference (IAMUC) brings together experts and official representatives of each member university from all over the world to discuss recent progress and future trends in maritime education, training, research and other matters within the scope of IAMU.

The AGA20 aims at presenting the
Charting the course for the future of maritime universities: Environmental, Technological, Economical, Social, Policy Impacts.

IAMUC at AGA20 will be held at the TKP Shinagawa Conference Center in Tokyo, Japan.
The venue is located in the Shinagawa and can be quickly reached from Shinagawa Station.

Abstract Submission
Authors are cordially invited to submit up to 2 pages abstract before 1st April 2019.
After notification of acceptance (15th April 2019) the authors will be asked to prepare a full paper version.
The submission details are available on the http://aga20.iamu-edu.org/

Conference and hotel registration will open soon.

Updated and detailed information will be posted at http://aga20.iamu-edu.org/

We look forward to seeing you in Japan!