WG on academic publication (AP)

The Working Group on Academic Publications was established in 2014 through the recognition of a need to improve research capacities and the quality of academic publications within IMAU and its member universities.   This Working Group coordinates annually with the Local Executive Committees to solicit and maintain scientific review committees for peer reviews of all abstracts and papers submitted to the IAMU Conference (IAMUC).   This Working Group also works closely with scholars in soliciting articles for the IAMU section of the Journal of Maritime Affairs.

Besides elevating the quality and rigor of academic publications within IAMU, the Working Group seeks to make this research available to a wider audience – through the inclusion of publications in global databases and through broadcasting the work of IAMU and its members through social media and other platforms.


Graham Benton

Graham Benton

Head of WG on Academic Publication
California State University Maritime Academy

Boris Svilicic

Boris Svilicic

Editor of IAMU Section of JoMA
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies
Matthew Rooks

Matthew Rooks

Kobe University, Graduate School of Maritime Sciences

Samrat Ghosh

Samrat Ghosh

Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania

Manel Grifoll

Manel Grifoll

Barcelona School of Nautical Studies – Polytechnical University of Catalonia


WG on RP meeting in Tokyo

The Working Group on Research Projects held an in-person meeting in the IAMU Secretariat, Tokyo, Japan on 11 and 12 September 2024. Dr. Funda Yercan (PRU), Dr. Bani Ghosh (MassMa), Dr. Vlado Francic (UR-FMS), Yusuke Mori, and Shigemi Matsuzaki (IAMU Secretariat) met...

WG on RP meeting in Tokyo

The Working Group on Research Projects held an in-person meeting in the IAMU Secretariat, Tokyo, Japan on 11 and 12 September 2023. Dr. Funda Yercan (PRU), Capt. Janne Lahtinen (SAMK), Dr. Vlado Francic (UR-FMS), Yusuke Mori and Shigemi Matsuzaki (IAMU Secretariat)...

The meeting of the WG on Academic Publication in Kobe

The Working Group on Academic Publications met in Kobe, Japan on May 18-19, 2023. In attendance were Graham Benton (CSU Maritime), Boris Svilicic, (UR-FMS), Samrat Ghosh (AMC), Matthew Rooks, (KU-GSMS), Yusuke Mori (IAMU), and Shigemi Matsuzaki (IAMU).    The primary...

IAMU Section of JoMA – Editorial Published

We are glad to inform that the first editorial “IAMU Section: sharing platform for Maritime  Education and Training”, written by the IAMU Section Editor, has been published. The editorial is available online on the web...

The meeting of WG on Academic Publications

The Working Group on Academic Publications met in Kobe, Japan on February 28 – 29, 2020.   Boris Svilicic (UR-FMS), Matthew Rooks  (KUGSMS), Graham Benton  (CSUM), Samrat Ghosh (AMC), and Yusuke Mori (IAMU) met to revise and improve several...