Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the International Executive Board (IEB) decided actions taken for the IAMU’s events, projects and activities in FY2020.
Please refer the message from Mr. Glenn Blackwood, Chair of IAMU.



Dear IAMU member universities,

The International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) has carefully monitored the situation of the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and measures taken by organizations in international circumstances since the beginning of March 2020. To avoid any risks caused by COVID-19, the International Executive Board (IEB) decided to conduct the 11th session of the IEB meeting electronically instead of a planned face-to-face meeting which was scheduled to be hosted by Batumi State Maritime Academy in April 2020. The global situation is still getting worse and several countries have recently declared β€œthe Emergency Situation”, which forces people stay at home as much as possible. It is difficult for us to predict what is going to happen in the future.

As IAMU is the global leader in maritime capacity building through networking and excellence in Maritime Education, Training and Research, all activities performed by representatives and academic staff of member universities always involve a lot of international collaboration and face-to-face meetings. Such meetings are no longer possible due to both travel restrictions and restrictions on large gatherings of people such as conferences.

Furthermore, respected contributors to IAMU activities are also the essential leaders for each member university and therefore, need to focus their entire attention to their students, their institutions and their families at this challenging time. At the same time, it is expected that all leaders and academic staff may have a lot of work to do this Fall to reinstate their academic programs.

Considering the above, IEB decided to take the following actions for IAMU events, projects and activities in FY2020 as shown in the Annex. Should you have any questions, please contact the Coordinator, Ms. Shigemi Matsuzaki <matsuzaki@iamu-edu.org>.

I wish each of you my very best during this difficult time and thank you for your ongoing contributions to IAMU while dealing with these challenges which are affecting your professional and personal lives.


Glenn Blackwood,
Chair, IAMU