WG on Reseaarch Project (RP)

The Working Group on Research Project is responsible for coordinating the IAMU research project system.

The main tasks of the Working Group are endorsing referees selected by the Secretariat to evaluate research applications and final reports, making recommendation on the evaluation results to the international Executive Board (IEB), selecting winning research applications according to a prescribed procedure and making recommendation on the selection result to IEB, recommending themes of research projects annually with considering the contents of the annual report prepared by the Liaison Committee, and Organizing working group meetings twice a year, in February and September.

The WG members are nominated from Academic Affairs Committee (AAC), for FY2023, member universities of AAC are Piri Reis University, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Satakunta Univeristy of Applied Sceinces.


Funda Yercan

Funda Yercan

Head of WG on Research Project
Piri Reis University

Vlado Francic

Vlado Francic

University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies

Janne Lahtinen

Janne Lahtinen

in 2023

Satakunta University of Applied Sciences

Madhubani Ghosh

Madhubani Ghosh

in 2024

Massachusetts Maritime Academy


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WG on RP meeting in Tokyo

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Call for Research Project Proposals for FY2025

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