Doç.Dr. Pelin Bolat (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey) and Dr. Christos Kontovas (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom) participated last week (3-7 July 2023) as delegates of IAMU in a momentous meeting of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).
During MEPC 80 in London, Member States came together and adopted the 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships. This strategy sets forth ambitious targets aimed at tackling harmful emissions, including a goal of achieving net-zero GHG emissions from international shipping by around 2050.
Apart from addressing climate change, the deliberations during MEPC 80 centered around multiple subjects including ship energy efficiency, ballast water management, the identification of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas, and various other topics. Dr. Bolat and Dr. Kontovas have attended the discussions within various working groups, such as the WG on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships, as well as in the plenary sessions.

Dr. Bolat (right) and Dr. Kontovas (left) attending the MEPC plenary.

Dr. Kontovas and the Secretary-General of the IMO at the MEPC 80 party on the IMO terrace following the session’s conclusion.