Professor Salman Nazir, University of South-Eastern Norway invites you to submit papers for the special issues of the journals.

Title: “Autonomous and Remote-Controlled Ship Operations” in Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417)

Title: β€œEmerging Issues in Maritime Education and Training” in Education Sciences (ISSN 2227-7102)

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 April 2021

For the details, please click the tab below or access above title of special issues to access thier website.

Autonomous and Remote-Controlled Ship Operation

Special Issue details:

Title: Autonomous and Remote-Controlled Ship Operations”Β in Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417)

Maritime operations have been transforming continually over the past few decades, and recent years have seen an increase in autonomy and automation technologies in the maritime domain. It is critical to understand and foresee the potential implications of autonomous technologies on the different segments and actors of the maritime domain. This Special Issue addresses but is not limited to the following areas:

  • Legal and regulatory challanges, e.g., regulatory frameworks of national and international, governmental or nongovernmental stakeholders regarding maritime autonomous ship operations;
  • Future competence requirements;
  • Maritime education and training (MET) through neopedagogy and training indices in maritime context in the advent of autonomous era, e.g., virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR);
  • Practical implementation considerations;
  • Digital infrastructure for autonomous ship operations and management;
  • Human performance in autonomous technologies;
  • Enablers for maritime domain to adopt autonomous solutions;

As the Guest Editor, I would like toΒ invite you for submission to the special issue.

Special issue websiteΒ :Β

Deadline for manuscript submissions:Β 30 April 2021

The instructions for authors can be found hereΒ :Β

ManuscriptsΒ intended for the special issue can be submittedΒ atΒ,Β by selectingΒ journal “Applied Sciences” and special issue ”Β Autonomous and Remote-Controlled Ship Operations”Β while processing.Β The submitted manuscripts should be exclusive and should not be under consideration for publication in any other places.

Any further information can be sought by contacting me or the editor’s office.

Salman Nazir
Training and Assessment Research Group (TARG) Leader
Scientific leader Center of Excellence,Β COAST

EU Project LeaderΒ ENHANCE
Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences
Department of Maritime Operations
Research GateΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Google Scholar

Chair Applied Human Factor and Ergonomics, TELS
Editor Board Member Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

Guest editor of special issue Emerging Issues in Maritime Education and Training

Guest editor of special issue Autonomous and Remote-Controlled Ship Operations

Emerging Issues in Maritime Education and Training

MDPI Journal Education Sciences, is publishing a Special Issue on β€œEmerging Issues in Maritime Education and Training”. Education Sciences (ISSN 2227-7102) is an international open access scholarly journal publishing extended full-length research papers that address current and emerging issues in education.

As editors of this special issue, we are calling for manuscripts addressing emergent issues in maritime education and training. We invite proposals for papers addressing one or more of the following topic areas:

  • Implementation of new technologies, such as advanced simulators, virtual reality, augmented reality or eye-tracking technologies and the need for new pedagogical approaches that follow;
  • Development of 21-century literacies, for example, digital literacy, data literacy, and information literacy;
  • Pedagogical issues related to social sustainability, e.g., lifelong learning, personal growth, and social inclusion;
  • Pedagogical efforts to advance awareness on environmental sustainability issues in shipping, e.g., CO2 emissions, sewage and toxic disposal, transfer of invasive alien species, coastal pollution, underwater noise pollution and wave disturbances;
  • Emerging approaches to safety training, such as resilience training, cybersecurity training or antipiracy training;
  • Competency assurance, certification and inclusive learning opportunities for a globally distributed workforce.

Submitted manuscripts much present original research of a theoretical, methodological or empirical nature. Review articles are also welcome. You can find more information about the special issue on the webpage of the journal, following this link:

The deadline for manuscript submissions is 30 April 2021.

If you are interested in receiving a discount for the publication fee, please submit a tentative title and an abstract of 250-500 words for your intended manuscript. The abstract must clearly state the topic, research aim(s) and questions, as well as expected results. The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the guest editors. If you have any interest in paper submission or any suggestion about our special issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Please feel free to spread this call for contributions to colleagues and other interested parties in your network. We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
Charlott Sellberg, Salman Nazir & Gesa Praetorius;Β;Β