The IAMU webinar “Future competencies for seafarer” was held on Wednesday, 28 April 2021 attracted about 240 participants from all around the world.

The webinar was moderated by Teona Dzneladze (BSMA) with co-moderators, Ian Jenkinson (LJMU) and Adam Przybylowski (GMU), who were appointed by the Academic Affairs Committee.

The webinar was opened by the Dr. Adam Weintrit, Rector of GMU and head of AAC. First speaker, Tine Viveka Westerberg shared her insights for the “SKILLSEA” project (presentation can be download from the link below), the four panelists from member universities, Mohamed Rowihil (AAST-MT), Reza Emad (AMC), Walt Nadolny (SUNY/MC) and Salman Nazir (USN) exchanged views and discussed on the topic of Future competencies for seafarer”

Due to time constrain, some questions from the participants were not answered. Remaining questions during the webinar will be answered by the panelists and shared with participants in this page in due course.

Link to the webinar information

Presentation materials 1.37 MB 1658 downloads


Here is the brief results of the post webinar survey.

How would you rate the webinar overall?

Was the webinar helpful for you?

What was your biggest takeaway?

  • Overreaching agreement on lifelong learning, for years, very little made readily available on how it is achieved actively – more precise exposure and recognition is desired
  • The integration of technology in the future
  • Current information about SkillSea
  • Cloud-based simulators for distant learning
  • Future skills requirements in the Maritime Industry
  • The closing remarks of Dr. Nakazawa, about the increasing competence from STCW 1995. Since the technology expanding more competences to be attained
  • Outward thinking and customer engagement for curriculum development


Are there any topics you’d like to see covered in future webinars?

  • The evaluation of future competencies
  • How to reduce competencies required from the officer in charge?
  • Replacing sea-time by simulator time
  • Cybersecurity for the Maritime industry

Pre and Post webinar poll “What do you think is the most important competency for future seafarer?”