WG on IAMU Institutional Database
Based on the first objective of the annex of the Tasmanian Statement, which encourages establishment of a strong, active and informative network and cooperation among the members of the IAMU and industry. Parallel to this objective, during the IEB meeting in Barcelona (April 2018), the IEB approved to form a new WG for establishing an Institutional Database that holds all IAMU member universities’ data providing a clear view and basic information about all member universities. Moreover, this database will benefit member universities and non-member universities in the maritime field to get a better understanding of the maritime education and in starting new educational programs.
In Sept. 2018, five universities were selected from the IEB members to participate in the Institutional Database (IAMU-ID) prototype testing. These universities were CSUM, MAAP and SAMK, in addition to the two universities members of the WG (AASTMT and DMU).
The prototype testing of the system was followed by a descriptive presentation within the preliminary session of the AGA 19 in Barcelona (Oct. 2018). The aim of the presentation was to illustrate, to the participating delegates of the member universities, the main structure and specification of the database as well as elevating awareness of the members to take part in this important project in preparation for the next crucial step; “all member universities data entry process”.
- Mahmoud Elsayed Elbawab, (Head of the WG) The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
- Li Jiuling (Jill), Dalian Maritime University
- Mohamed Mahmoud Aly, The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
- Fu Xianping, Dalian Maritime University
- Mohamed Gamal Abdel Aal, The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
- Ibrahi Farouk, The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
- Chen Fei, Dalian Maritime University
- Maha Salem, The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
- Wang Huibing, Dalian Maritime University
- Jehan Ahmed Nagy Aly, The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
- Sohaila Morsi Ibrahim, The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

Providing a convenient and practical mechanism to develop the IAMU’s database and to achieve the objectives of the IAMU with regards to the cooperation in the field of maritime education, training and research as well as presenting marine consultations and projects,
Providing awareness to the international maritime community, entities and organizations related to define programs and abilities of the member universities. In context of maritime marketing, this will ensure and offer educational, training, research and consulting opportunities as well as communicational and co-operational prospects,
Establishing the core of electronic connectivity between different maritime workforce parties and maritime researchers and academics,
Promote the exchange of information and sharing of ideas in a user-friendly, secure and accessible environment,
To publish an electronic annual report that gives suggestions on how to deal with challenges collaboratively.
Scope of the work:
To establish IDB system that works as a foundation database to hold all IAMU member universities’ data.
To create this informative element and develop interactive database among member universities, institutions, maritime administrations and other industry parties,
To incorporate the required entities into the IDB and make the necessary analysis, add to the DB design in order to be ready for the development phase; and
To satisfy the new international demands of United Nation Sustainable Development Goals stated in UNSD Plan 2030, regarding quality of education (Goal 4).
Important note
Today and after the completion of (phase-1) of the IAMU-IDB system and based on the action plan of the Institutional Database (IDB) working group, the time has come for our IAMU to benefit from this effort.
In regards of the process of the member universities’ data entry, it is important to note that the success of this important project depends on the participation and interaction of the member universities.
The Survey for improving the IAMU Institutional Database
Woking Group on Institutional Database prepared the questionnaire of the IAMU IDB User Experience Questionnaire. Kindly take the time to answer the questions. This questionnaire aims to find out how user-friendly and usable the IAMU-IDB is. The IAMU members' feedback...