Tokyo Statement

IAMU Tokyo Statement
The 20th Commemorative Annual General Assembly (AGA 20)
Tokyo, Japan, October 2020
The 20th Annual General Assembly was held in Tokyo from 30 to 31 October 2019 on the theme “Charting the course for the future of maritime universities: Environmental, Technological, Economical, Social, Policy impacts.”
On this occasion, the Presidents’ forum:
Recalling Article I of the Basic Agreement of IAMU which states the Association’s aim to be the global leader in maritime capacity building through networking and excellence in Maritime Education and Training;
Noting that both the Tasmanian and Haiphong statements – issued in 2014 and 2016 respectively – provided member universities with clear objectives to accomplish IAMU’s mission as stated in Article III of the Basic Agreement of IAMU and further noting that both statements are still valid for promoting IAMU’s activities;
Being aware that rapid technological advances (evidenced in the so-called “fourth industrial revolution” including (among others) digitalization, robotics, artificial intelligence, big data virtual and augmented reality, as well as new energy sources) are creating challenges and opportunities for all economic sectors including for the education and transport sectors;
Recognizing that such technological innovations and developments have the potential to significantly disrupt labour markets as traditional jobs change or disappear and to widen geopolitical gaps of global inequality due to technological advances;
Recognizing that technological and environmental disruption will necessitate revolutionary responses in education and training;
Considering that a continuous supply of motivated students who will be global maritime professionals in the future as well as qualified academic staff who have both academic knowledge and practical experience, is crucial for the sustainable development of the global shipping industry;
Confirming the role of IAMU as the only association that provides member universities with institutional capacity building programmes through a global network of advanced maritime universities and as an NGO in consultative status with IMO;
Recognizing the international nature and diversity of the member universities and their links to national and/or regional legal and administrative mandates;
Believing that the member universities of IAMU must emphasize the shared concept of working together to accomplish the mission of IAMU as described in Article III of the Basic Agreement and for a sustainable future that enables the world to move at a pace that brings everyone on board;
Agree to*:
- ORIGINATE and MAINTAIN close relationships with the global shipping industry and other relevant industries as well as national governmental entities, the IMO and other supra-national bodies through collaborative activities;
- DEEPEN a sense of community and interaction underpinned by the core values of equity, mutuality, respect and transparency;
- BE AGILE in shaping our emergent future by developing systematic processes for anticipating and recognising impending changes and ways of prototyping, experimenting and scaling up innovative educational approaches.
- Continuously GENERATE novel research-based and progressive educational philosophies, approaches and academic curricula (including teaching content, learning activities and outcomes, assessment forms etc.) within an optimum quality paradigm so as to enhance the abilities of students of IAMU member universities as Global Maritime Professionals;
- REINFORCE institutional capacity of member universities through collaborative ground-breaking research and academic publication and DEVELOP the member universities’ academic staff using networking, exchange programmes and research activities;
- EMBED/ESTABLISH the Global Maritime Professional Body of Knowledge 2019 (and subsequent revisions with the input of member universities) as mutually-accepted guidance for the continuous development of advanced maritime education, training and research programmes for IAMU member universities;
- SUPPORT students in the achievement of the outcomes required of a Global Maritime Professional through fellowships and funding opportunities and other mechanisms for academic education, practical training and fundamental research provided at member universities of IAMU, as well as through student exchange and networking opportunities, recognizing the need for increased female participation in the maritime industry;
- SUPPORT early-career academic staff at IAMU member universities in their development as qualified MET instructors and researchers optimally equipped with academic qualifications as well as practical experience, recognizing the need for increased female participation in the maritime industry ;
- DEVELOP and DISSEMINATE advanced pedagogical approaches and techniques to the wider global maritime community including to maritime administrations;
- HIGHLIGHT the imperative to engage in sustainable university operations and to educate a future generation aware of and working toward sustainable development in a socially peaceful context, emphasizing the attainment of global goals such as the current 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals and optimal stewardship of the planet;
- RECOGNISE and RESPOND to the unprecedented climate emergency and build the capacity of entities and individuals to enable them to respond and adapt to evolving challenges and seize or make opportunities through innovative education and research; and
- CREATE innovative financial and developmental strategies that respond to and lead technological developments.
* The list is in no particular order of priority