YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY has published the first issue of our international Journal named as SEATIFIC.
Seatific is presented to researchers as a refereed international journal issued biannually in Turkish and English, with the first issue published in December 2021. As an engineering research journal, Seatific aims to contribute to analyzing current problems in the field of ship and marine technology through interdisciplinary studies and original experimental and theoretical publications.
We welcome your submissions via the journal’s submission portal at seatific.yildiz.edu.tr
For further information, please contact seatific@yildiz.edu.tr

1- Performance analyses and optimization of a regenerative supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle with intercooler and reheater |
2- Computational prediction of hydrodynamic coefficients for heave motion |
3- Numerical investigation of flow over tandem and side-by-side cylinders |
4- Kalina çevriminin bir tanker gemisine entegrasyonu ve geminin enerji verimliliğine etkisinin analizi |
5- Metamodels for seakeeping assessment of fishing vessels |