For the purpose of exploring the best practice for delivering online learning in Maritime Education, the Secretariat conducted an online survey. The survey was completed between 6th April and 15th May 2022 via a web interface. A total of 37 member universities from 27 countries took the survey, and the response rate was 54%.
The summary result in PDF format is available to download.

❖ What learning activities (teaching methods) are currently predominantly used in your university?

54% member universities resumed full time classroom lecturing with or without anti-COVID-19 measures
❖ Which learning management system is used at your university?

32% member universities use “Moodle” and 14% members use “Blackboard” for their LMS
10% of member universities use their original LMS.
“Ilias”, “NINVA” and “SAKAI” are used in some cases.
❖ What is the percentage of online lecturing at your university when you deliver the online lecture?

Real-time online lecture account for 46%, 22% is allocated for discussion through web meeting systems
❖ Which online meeting platform is used for online lecturing?

“Zoom” is the most used platform, followed by “Microsoft Teams”
❖ Is the platform mandated, or is it left to be selected by teachers and instructors?

A platform is mandated by an administrative order in 65% member universities
❖ Are syllabi and lesson plans amended according to the new learning tools or used the old ones?
“Lessons plan are adapted to online lectures and exercises, the schedule of teaching hours is adjusted so that students can follow the entire teaching through the e-learning system. These plans were approved by the faculty council”.
“Specifics for on-line delivery are integrated, such as references, virtual library, demo-apps, google and youTube, downloadables, etc. The approach is reported to maritime administration but no approval required but subjected to monitoring, audit inspections and verifications”.
“Syllabi were amended to reflect online content and/or the possibility of reverting to online education in the case of worsening COVID conditions”.
“Administrative approval is always requested, when amending quality approved documents. Lesson plans adjusted with description of learning methods including virtual supervision and lecturing”.

❖ What types of structured and unstructured instructions on new (online) learning methods
“There was a task force that worked with tips and tricks for online learning and support. There was also the Blended Learning Team supported the teachers. Online cafe used to be able to talk with the colleagues”.
“All lecturers were trained in digital teaching skills; this was already mandatory. Learning communities were established within the university to share best practices”.
“A detailed procedure about how to get attention and how to conduct online lecture were issued to all faculty”
“the selection of the online meeting platform, how to implement it, and how to deal with failures, etc., were informed by the university.”
“Workshops with external supervisors and practical training – our IT department has established online Q&A and online support for academic staff.”
❖ How do you evaluate assessments conducted in the online environment?

90% member universities answered online assessment is satisfactory level
❖ How do you evaluate the appropriateness of the online environment for practical STCW topics?

49% member universities are moderately satisfied online practical topics, while 32% responded slightly inappropriate
❖ What is your opinion (experience) of the usefulness of external content providers (e.g. Videotel)?

Most member universities responded external content providers are useful although degree of usefulness differs
❖ What are the main concerns about the long-term effects of the COVID-19 crisis on university operations?
“In general, online learning removes the physical learning environment where an important part of the student’s academic formation happens. This leads to value lost in the students’ competence development. Some of the STCW content should be trained by using simulators, and this cannot be replaced by a full online delivery. All courses must have constructive alignment, which means that there should be a clear connection between content, work forms and forms of assessment. This is the basis for how the delivery and assessment of a course should be chosen. Making everything digital does not allow this, as digital lecturing and assessment is not optimal for all courses”.
“Interaction with the students and inability to optimise practical components of learning. While all students are encouraged to have their cameras on, this doesn’t always happen which makes it difficult for the lecturer to read the students and detracts from engagement. Feedback indicates students prefer face to face learning”.

❖ What is the best lesson learned for delivering academic programme while responding to the COVID-19?
“Flexibility in time, pace and location”.
“Benefit is that students can use time wisely. It is easier for everyone to learn in their own tempo and check over everything what is needed”.
“The biggest benefits are students can take classes anywhere without coming to campus, and an educational effect improves depending on the content of classes”.
“Achievements in computer and information technology skills”.
“Opportunity for students to participate in lessons while they are on board their ships”.
“The student can watch the replay of the course recording as many times as they want”.
“Some flexibility has afforded operational benefits, reducing cost of in-person instructional practical delivery, reduced use of classrooms and facilities and to some extent, less cost to students/parents”.
“That we took a huge step in the understanding of digitalization and that we got used to give online lectures”.
“Flexibility. And that we all have learnt a lot, e.g. we know a lot more now about when to do things digital and when to do physical lectures/assessments. So we have broader information and understanding when making our decisions”.
❖ What developments do you expect regarding online learning in MET institutions?