Research Projects

IAMU has sought ideas for innovative research activities to promote progress in capacity building at maritime universities all over the world. The IAMU research project system has been implemented through autonomous international coordination of IAMU member universities since FY2010, with its Academic Affairs Committee in charge.

The research project system has been renewed for 1 April 2018 by launching a new research project system in order to sustain IAMU activities by passing on maritime knowledge and skills to subsequent generations among IAMU member universities. To obtain these goals, the IAMU research project system is divided into two frameworks: one for all academic staff and another only for young academic staff.

Referees system

Since FY2010, the IAMU has launched a research project system (supported by The Nippon Foundation) to bring about further progress in capacity building among the IAMU member universities. Accordingly, the evaluation system for IAMU research projects including evaluation of research proposals, costs and selection of referees has been discussed in the International Executive Board (IEB) meetings since FY2016. At the 6th session of IEB meetings, IEB agreed to terminate the current evaluation system (following evaluation by the Working Group on Research Projects members and their colleagues) and launch the new evaluation system (evaluation by nominated referees from member universities on a voluntary basis) from 1st April 2018.
In accordance with the following criteria, the system has more than 150 referees.

Each referee for evaluation of research proposals or final reports shall:
– Be a senior academic staff member or an early career researcher* nominated by the President/Representative of the member university to which the referee belongs; and
– Have a record of at least three (3) international research publications (editorial contributions are also preferred).

*An early career researcher is deemed to be one who has:
– Been awarded a PhD within the preceding 10 years;
– An established record of journal publications (with preference to international publications); and
– A full-time academic position with both teaching and research responsibilities.

List of Referees

Please click buttons below to see the list of referees who contributed to the activities in each fiscal year.

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