GMP-BoK Comprehensive Review/Revision Committee
It has been agreed by the IAMU-IEB that the GMP-BoK, 2019 – as a dynamic document – would be reviewed periodically to keep aligned with the evolving technology in the Maritime Industry.
A committee has been formed with the name of “The Committee for Review/Revision of the GMP-BoK” and approved at the 17th IEB in April 2023, in Helsinki, Finland with Professor Gamal Ghalwash, AASTMT, Egypt as the head of committee and five key members from the IAMU member Universities from the three Regions of the IAMU, as follows:
- Huanxin Wang, Professor, DMU- China
- Mahmoud Elbawab, Professor, AASTMT – Egypt
- Paul Szwed from, Professor, MassMA, USA
- Srdjan Vujicic, Professor, FMSUD, Croatia
- Cassia Bomer Galvao, Assistant Professor, TAMUG, USA
In addition to:
- Michael Manuel, Professor, WMU, Sweden – Advisor to the committee
- Takeshi Nakazawa, Professor, Executive Director of the IAMU
Moreover, a group of experts from the AASTMT in the ICT division assisted the committee to establish a GMP-BoK desktop application for Implementation.
It has been agreed that the objective of the Committee is to review and revise the contents of the GMP-BoK, 2019 in the light of the foreseen future advanced technology to introduce the Second Version of the GMP-BoK. A progress report has been introduced by the head of the committee to the 18th IEB during the AGA 23 in Helsinki, Finland and the 20th IEB during the AGA 24 in Massachusetts, USA, which approved the report.

Gamal Ghalwash
Head of the committee
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

Huanxin Wang
Dalian Maritime University

Mahmoud Elbawab
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

Paul Szwed
Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Srđan Vujičić
Maritime Department, University of Dubrovnik

Cassia B. Galvao
Texas A&M Maritime Academy,Texas A&M University at Galveston