We are happy to announce, that four Nordic IAMU member universities have decided to enhance the field of cooperation by applying for regional support to establish a Maritime Network under the Nordplus programme.
• Nordplus is the Nordic Council of Ministers’ central programme in the area of lifelong learning.
• The objective is to
• strengthen and develop Nordic educational cooperation
• contribute to the establishment of a Nordic-Baltic educational region
• promote Nordic languages and culture, as well as mutual Nordic-Baltic linguistic and cultural understanding
Once established, the Nordplus Maritime Network is open for HEI from the eight participating countries in the Baltic and Nordic regions, for first and second degree cycles (bachelors and masters).
Supported activities are Mobility (students and teachers), Intensive courses, Joint study programmes, Development projects and Network meetings.
After initial meetings bilateral to gauge interest and ambitions, we have held meetings between the following institutions, agreeing to work together on making the Nordplus Maritime become a reality:
• Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
• Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway
• Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finland
• Svendborg International Maritime Academy (SIMAC), Denmark
We have agreed on a series of meetings during the next months, including presentations of all educations offered, to spot further cooperation and mobility opportunities and from all the presented suggestions for project cooperation, simulator course development, shared thesis, best practice on synergy between theory and traineeships etc. the first 4 cooperation topics/projects will be chosen jointly for development and implementation.
The application to Nordplus will be sent in January next year and once established, the network is open to all HEI’s that meet the criteria set up by the Nordplus programme.