Taking into account the rapid increase of cases worldwide and the continuing difficulties for some delegates from IMO Member States travelling from abroad to attend IMO meetings, and the determination by the World Health Organization, on 11 March, that the outbreak is now pandemic, the decision has been taken to postpone IMO meetings until the end of May. As a result, the following meetings are now postponed:
.1 Facilitation Committee (FAL) 44 (20 to 24 April 2020);
.2 Meeting of the IMO Expert Group on Data Harmonization (IMO EG (EGDH)) 2 (27 April to 1 May 2020);
.3 Port symposium “A Holistic approach to standards for port operational data in maritime supply chains” (30 April 2020);
.4 Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) 102 (13 to 22 May 2020);
The Secretary-General will be consulting with Member States, and in particular Members of the Council, on these actions and any others (i.e. additional postponements) required in the interest of public health and safety. The IMO Secretariat will continue to monitor all developments related to COVID-19 and will advise as soon as possible on future developments. Rescheduling of the meetings listed above will be announced in good time for delegates to make appropriate arrangements. Further updates about upcoming meetings will be provided in due course.
External Relations Office