Yesterday marked Seafarer’s Day, a global occasion dedicated to honouring the vital role of seafarers worldwide. This day is a poignant reminder of the significant contributions made by these dedicated professionals to global trade, maritime safety, and environmental stewardship.

In a special tribute, Batumi State Maritime Academy shared a heartfelt video capturing their celebration of Seafarer’s Day.

For maritime universities, Seafarer’s Day serves as a time to reflect on the essential training and education provided to future seafarers. These institutions play a crucial role in equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the world’s oceans safely and sustainably. Through rigorous academic programs and practical training, IAMU member universities prepare graduates to meet the challenges of a dynamic maritime industry.

As Seafarer’s Day is commemorated, it underscores the ongoing commitment of IAMU member universities to advancing education and research in the maritime field. By promoting academic excellence, fostering international collaboration among member universities, and advocating for best practices in maritime education, IAMU continues to enhance the capabilities of global maritime professionals.